Important Dates
February 01, 2024
Announcement of the Balkan Studies Congress
March 20, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission
April 05, 2024
Announcement of accepted abstracts
July 01, 2024
Deadline for full paper submission
July 20, 2024
Announcement of accepted papers
August 20, 2024
Announcement of the Congress program
September 6-8, 2024
Implementation of the Congress
February 28, 2025
Publication of the selected papers
Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate in the Congress?

Master’s students, doctoral students, or anyone who has completed their master’s and doctorate degrees  can apply to the congress.

Is it possible to participate in the congress with more than one paper?

Yes, one may participate in the congress with more than one paper, provided that these papers comply with the announced subjects. However, one author may present a maximum of two papers at the congress.


Are undergraduate students able to submit papers to the congress?

No. Undergraduate students may only participate in the congress as audience members.

What do we need to do to become an audience member?

Anyone who meets the conditions (i.e., transportation, accommodations) can participate in the audience regardless of whether or not they have an academic education. Please note, the congress provides no support for audience members.


What will be the criteria for the papers that will be presented (graph properties, etc.)?

The relevant parts of the site state the features that will be considered for the papers at the Balkan Studies Congress. Other unmentioned issues are the conditions that an academic paper must meet. On this point, support for papers can be obtained from academicians or people who are knowledgeable in regard to academic writing.

What is the fee for participating in the Congress, and what kinds of opportunities will be provided to the participants?

Participating in the Congress is free. Participants’ accommodations, breakfasts, and dinners will be covered by the Symposium’s organizing committee. A free tour of the city will be offered to the Congress participants after the Congress sessions have been completed. Transportation to the Congress will be at the participants’ own expense (not covered).


Will sending papers to the Congress be possible in a foreign language?

The congress will accept papers and presentations in English, Turkish and Bosnian.


Balkan Studies Congress
The Balkan Studies Congress is an international congress organized for the purposes of encouraging interdisciplinary studies in the field of social sciences and of contributing to qualified and original academic output. 
The Balkan Studies Congress aims to increase the quality of postgraduate studies by allowing for versatile communication and experience to be transferred to young academicians and to increase academic interaction and activity within the region and with Turkey. It aims to contribute to developing a common language and method by encouraging interdisciplinary approaches in order to overcome the difficulties with the qualified academic output of the states and societies trying to recover from the effects of the wars experienced in the Western Balkans after 1990 and that have many troubled areas ahead of them. 
The Congress is planned to take place in cities such as Skopje, Istanbul, Sarajevo, Tirana, and Vienna. The Congress, which will visit one university and city each year, will also collaborate with non-governmental organizations that perform studies in this field. The Congress offers researchers at various universities in the Balkans, especially those in the Western Balkans and Turkey, who are conducting or have completed postgraduate studies in the last three years related to the Balkans the privilege of exchanging and enriching ideas by presenting their studies to experienced academicians or academician candidates. 
The Congress applies the blind peer review system; the abstracts and full texts that are submitted will be accepted after being evaluated by reviewers who are experts in their field. The papers chosen at the end of the Congress will be published by the Balkan Studies Foundation in order to admit the presentations taking place at the Congress to the scientific world


Honorary Board of the Congress

Dr. Sevba Abdula – President of Balkan Studies Foundation

Assist. Prof. Dr. Taha Eğri – President of İLEM: Scientific Studies Association

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yıldırım – Rector of International University of Sarajevo

Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli – Rector of University of Tetova

Prof. Dr. Gülfettin Çelik – Rector of Istanbul Medeniyet University

Prof. Dr. Lütfi Sunar – Rector of International Balkan University

Abdullah Eren – President of Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities

Organizing Committee

Assist. Prof. Dr. Bujamin Bela – Mother Teresa University, President of the Balkan Studies Congress (North Macedonia)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Köroğlu – Istanbul University (Türkiye)

Dr. Agron Islami – Institute of History “Ali Hadri”- Prishtina (Kosovo)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faruk Bal – Istanbul Medeniyet University (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamza Preljević – International University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Dr. Irena Kolaj Ristanovič – University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Prof. Dr. Ibish Kadriu – University of Tetova (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Hakkı Akın – İLEM: Scientific Studies Association (Türkiye)

Muhammed Eser – Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (Türkiye)

Dr. Mustafa Öztürk – Kırklareli University (Türkiye)

Dr. Sevba Abdula – Balkan Studies Foundation (North Macedonia)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar Serdaroğlu – International Balkan University (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Sedad Bešlija – University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Semran Murtezani – Balkan Studies Foundation (North Macedonia)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Gökçek – İLEM: Scientific Studies Association (Türkiye)

Scientific Committee of the Congress

Assoc. Prof. Abdülkadir Macit, Kocaeli University, (Türkiye)

Prof. Dr. Alim Yılmaz, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Ali Erken, Marmara University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Abdurrahman Atçıl, Sabancı University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Alim Arlı, Istanbul Technical University, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Ahmet Lökçe, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Agron Islami, Institute of History “Ali Hadri”- Prishtina, (Kosovo)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Bujamin Bela, Mother Teresa University, (North Macedonia)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Drita Memeti, Unıversity of Tetova, (North Macedonia)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebrar Ibraimi, University of Tetova, (North Macedonia)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esmije Veseli, University of Tetova, (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Ekrem Demirli, Istanbul University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Karakuş, Kırklareli University, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Fation Shabani, Ibn Haldun University, (Türkiye)

Prof. Dr. Gültekin Yıldız, Istanbul University, (Türkiye)

Prof. Dr. Hamdi Genç, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Hacı Kara, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Dr. Hana Younis, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Assist. Prof. Irena Kolaj Ristanović, University of Belgrade, (Serbia)

Assoc. Prof. Ismail Hakkı Kadı, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Ibrahim Halil Üçer, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Izzettin As, Kırklareli University, (Türkiye)

Dr. Ibrahim Zeyd Gerçik, (Türkiye)

Prof. Dr. Jelldëz Asani, University of Tetova, (North Macedonia)

Assist. Prof. Kadir Temiz, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Prof. Dr. Lindita Xhanari Latifi, University of New York in Tirana, (Albania)

Prof. Dr. Lütfi Sunar, International Balkan University, (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Musa Musai, University of Tetova, (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Muhidin Mulalić – International University of Sarajevo, (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Prof. Dr. Mirsad Karić – International University of Sarajevo, (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Prof. Dr. Murteza Bedir, Istanbul University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Mevludin Ibishi, International Balkan University, (North Macedonia)

Assist. Prof. Mehmet Uğur Ekinci, SETA, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Murat Aliu, Mother Teresa University, (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Petar Todorov, Institute of National History – Skopje, (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Qufli Osmani, University of Tetova, (North Macedonia)

Dr. Sevba Abdula, Balkan Studies Foundation, (North Macedonia)

Assist. Prof. Süleyman Güder, Istanbul University, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Sedad Bešlija, University of Sarejevo, (Bosna and Hercegovina)

Prof. Dr. Şener Bilal, International Balkan University, (North Macedonia)

Assoc. Prof. Tutgay Anar, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Yunus Uğur, Marmara University, (Türkiye)

Assoc. Prof. Zahit Atçıl, Istanbul Medeniyet University, (Türkiye)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Zejni Mazllami, University of Tetova, (North Macedonia)



Papers intended for submission to the Balkan Studies Congress must not have been previously published nor concurrently under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

The entire text and associated proceedings should be submitted through the congress application system at The abstract is expected to be between 200 and 300 words. 

The full paper must meticulously avoid any authorial identification. The discovery of such information will result in the immediate exclusion of the text from the peer-review process, in accordance with the blind review principles of the Balkan Studies Congress. 

The paper should encompass a word count ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 words.

Submission of the full text, in Microsoft Word format, is mandatory by July 01, 2024. Documents in PDF format will not be considered. 

Papers not adhering to the Writing Rules of the Balkan Studies Congress will be summarily rejected prior to reviewer consideration. 

Papers submitted to the Balkan Studies Congress should be authored using Microsoft Word with a minimum margin of 2.5 cm. The entire text should adhere to Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 line spacing. The paper’s title should be presented in uppercase letters, bold font, size 14, while subtitles should be in lowercase font and size 12. 

Sequential numbering is to be employed for tables and figures. Footnotes for tables should be placed just beneath the table body and indicated in lowercase. Use tables sparingly, ensuring coherence with the textual content. 

All footnotes, abstracts, bibliographies, and tables should be finalized before paper submission. 

The introduction should delineate the subject, thematic scope, temporal and spatial boundaries. Address the article’s significance, its contribution to the field, and rectification of existing information. Additionally, detail the employed methods, sources, main claims, and supporting side claims. 

Papers, post-abstract evaluation, will undergo a preliminary scrutiny by the Regulatory Board for adherence to form and content before reaching the reviewers. 

Adhere to the APA 7th edition as the reference system, noting that each paper should have a singular author.


Click on the ‘Register Now’ section.

Fill in the required information, including Name, Surname, Email, Title, Country, Institutions, and Department, then save the information.

After saving, you will receive a confirmation email indicating your successful registration in the system.

Please note that there is no requirement to register with an ORCID number.

Once registered, you can submit your abstract and manage your account within the system.

For any registration errors, feel free to contact us at


The success and efficiency of the Balkan Studies Congress are contingent upon both the substance of the papers and the efficacy of their presentations. Delivering papers in a systematic, timely, and successful manner holds paramount importance. The subsequent directives are crafted to assist you in optimizing your presentation. 

Session and Paper Durations:

  1. The 4th Balkan Studies Congress will encompass designated sessions, each lasting 90-100 minutes.
  2. A stipulated 15 minutes will be allocated for each presentation, and strict adherence to this timeframe is imperative. The seamless operation of the symposium is contingent upon compliance with these durations.
  3. Time remaining after paper presentations will be dedicated to evaluations, comments, criticisms, and addressing audience queries.


  1. Each session will be presided over by a designated chairperson, present in the hall before the session commences to meet the presenting speakers. All participants must be present in the hall at least 10 minutes before the session and verify their presentations.

  Presentation and Presentation Materials:

  1. The presentation must be meticulously prepared to fit within the allotted time frame.
  2. Only the primary aspects of the paper, as outlined in the presentation, should be discussed. Elaborations can be referenced in the proceedings book, or further discussions with pertinent stakeholders can transpire during the intermission following the presentation.
  3. Each hall will be equipped with a projector and a computer for the presentations. Submissions of presentations must occur days before the scheduled presentation.
  4. Employing concise sentences (2-4 words) and utilizing a sizable font (at least 24 points) on slides is critical for audience comprehension during the presentation.
  5. A maximum of 15 slides should be prepared for a 15-minute presentation.


The Congress will be able to cover all sub-disciplines of the social sciences focused on the Balkans region. Some of the topics to be addressed at the congress may appear as but are not limited to the following:


    li>Balkan Politics

  • Secularization and Religion-State Relations in the Balkans
  • The European Union and the Balkans
  • Global Powers and the Balkans: China, Russia, EU, & USA
  • Current Issues in International Relations and the Balkans
  • Turkey and the Balkans


  • Balkan History in the Classical Era
  • Balkan History in the Modern Era
  • European History and the Balkans
  • Ottoman History and the Balkans
  • Historiography in the Balkans


  • Economic History and Thought in the Balkans
  • Economic Theory and Politics
  • The Economy of the European Union and the Balkans
  • The Balkan Economy
  • The Economy of Balkan Countries
  • International Economic Policies and the Balkans


  • The History of Religions and Sects
  • Hadiths
  • Islamic Law
  • Kalam
  • Mysticism
  • Tafsir
  • Islamic Scholars in the Balkans


  • Social Theory
  • Social Structure and Change
  • Civil Societies and Social Movements in the Balkans
  • Religious Formations and Structures in the Balkans
  • Balkan Sociology
  • Identities in the Balkans
  • New Social Movements in the Balkans


  • Contemporary Balkan Literature
  • Literature and Language Theory
  • Comparative Literature


  • Media Studies in the Balkans
  • Digital Media in the Balkans
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Political Culture and Media
  • The New Media and Digital Culture
  • Global Communication and Social Change
  • Communication and Ethics


  • Philosophy and Methodology of Law
  • History of Law
  • Public Law
  • Private Law
  • EU Law
  • Current Legal Issues in Balkan Countries
  • Human Rights